3 Best Chest Exercises


3 Best Chest Exercises

3 Best Chest Exercises That's a Makes Perfect Chest At Home.

Hello Guys, Today I wanna tell you few exercises you can do that trains your chest,At Home.So first of all, let's talk about the middle chest.The middle chest is probably one of the easiest part to train.The exercise is very simple,So let's get started.

1.Push Up.

Push up hits the middle chest. In order to maximize your chest give least pressure for the triceps,is try to get a little bit wider.Wide means your grip should be slightly wider than your shoulder width.This exercise hit the majority of the middle chest and a little bit of upper chest.So the next exercise that can hit middle chest too.So move on next exercise.

2.Isolation Workout.

If You haven't dumbbells,then you can use a water bottle instead of dumbbells. So those of you can start with 1.5 Liter water bottle.This is chest flys.The reason why I am telling to use water bottle is because that can nicely set up and be more focused on the movement.Make sure it's balanced and don't want the bottle to fall on you.Make sure you are stable and squeeze your chest. 

I would recommend you to do both exercises back to back.Start with the push up first,Do 10 to 20 repetitions depends on your fitness level.After finish a push up move on directly to a chest flys ( Isolation Workout).

3.Reverse Grip Push Up.

By doing this,your upper chest will firing.That is Also trains inner part.For this grip I don't recommend to go wide grip aim because it's going to give a lot of stress for shoulder.

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