5 Best Abs Workout


5 Best Abs Workout

  5 Best Abs Workout with fat-burning-

What's up guys.? Today I wanna tell you five exersices.To help you to burn fat and to train the ab.So gettinga six pack abs is not just doing crunches, it's about burning the layer of fat also.This combination is good to improve your cardio. So let's get started.

1.Reverse Crunches.

So You do this, You're traning your lower abs and the upper abs.So two movements is one repetition.Aim for 8 repetition,and to do this,make sure you squeeze, contract your abs.And next exercise, without any rest is the high knee run 

2.High Knee Run.

Two ways,you can do the standard version, Placing your arms above your belly button and run.That works the hip flexor,some lower abs and is a badass cardio.So do this about 30 reps both sides.Another Way,if you want to build more abs instead of doing this, perhaps you can open up your elbow, placing behind your head flare your elbow,body upright,and run.You have to suck in your stomach, Maintain your body upright and run.Do the third exercise immediately, is Hollow Jack.

3.Hollow Jack.

Hollow Jack means,a high plank with a rounded back, protraction so when you do this, you're firing your serratus,your abdominal and you are tightening your core.And then turn back to a straight back,and do two jacks. So we are moving on next exercise.

4.Hi-Low Tuck.

Hi-Low Tuck is also known as tuck jump.So start from low high plank.So instead of doing a hollow or a jack,this time need to maintain a straight back.You want to bring your knee to your chest.You are gonna move with speed.Do like a burpee, you're gonna jump and bring your knee of to the floor,high up.So the key is have to land soft.Knees high up,land soft,this is , crucial.Slam yourself,drop yourself down, because this will kill your wrist.Do 10 repetitions.The final and last excersic this is not hardest but it's pretty hard to execute after all this exercises.

5.The Curl Up.

In this exercise move into crunches position,you need to use your arms and use momentum to stand up.You really need to use force for this.So do 10 reps for this exercise.

So this is a one big giant set.I will recommend do atleast three rounds or you can even go up to five working rounds.

Take about two minutes break in between each round and repeat if necessary.

Remember, getting a six pack abs is about consistency of training not just ab exercise but also other exercises push ups,jump jacks and some weights

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