5 Best Home Workout For Legs Without Any Gym Equipment.


5 Best Home Workout For Legs Without Any Gym Equipment.

 5 Best Home Workout For Legs Without Any Gym Equipment.

Hello Guys, Today I wanna tell you 5 best home Workout for legs without any gym equipment, it's very  simple and easy to do.So let's get started.

1.Walking Lunges.

First of all,take a big step forward on your left foot, while doing that bend your right leg,so that your knee almost touches the floor.Then with the help of your left leg,move your body into the next lunge.This time your right leg should be in front of you,and your left leg will bend toward the floor.Do 3 sets of walking lunges with 12 reps each.And remember to take a 30 sec. rest after every set.By doing this exercise the muscles in the front of your leg works the most since they have to move your whole body up and forward. This is not only strengthens all the legs muscles but also improves balance and stability of the body.

2.Squat Jumps.

Squat down like you did In that last exercise by lowering your body,so that your thighs are parallel to the ground.Stay in this position for atleast 3-4 seconds.This time launch yourself upward from the squat.When you jump on the air,lift your arms up over a head.Return to the squat position,then jump again and remember don't take any between the jumps.3 sets of 12 reps will be perfect for this one,and feel free to take a 30 sec.break to rest between sets.This exercise helps tone the calves,quads and hammies as well as glutes and core muscles.It's also cool in that it involves the arms little more than traditional squats and definitely a lot more cardio.

3.Split Squats.

In this exercise,you can use any suitable a sofa,chair,bed the main thing is that it's stable enough to hold some of your weight and won't fall over as were doing the exercise with your back to the piece of furniture of your choice and rest your right foot on it. Slowly squat down with your left leg until your right knee almost touches the floor.Hold it there for 3-4 seconds then with the strength of your left leg stand back up.Do 3 sets of 12 reps on each leg,no rest between you change legs.A 30 seconds rest between sets is ok and probably much-needed! This is a great lower body exercise since squatting deeply with just one leg.Really targets the stabilizer the muscles and improves your balance.

4.Squat Pulses.

Get into the starting position for squat,go down into a squat until thighs are parallel to the floor.This time, when you hit the lowest point in your squat,do a few 'pulses' by moving your hips up and down for about 5 seconds.Then return to the starting position.The trick is that when do the pulses,you constantly engage and stimulate your leg muscles.You can also hold the same movement longer and tire your muscles in  a different way  than when you do just a standard squat.Do this exercise for 1 minute and take a 30 seconds break.

5.Elevetad Calf Raises.

Let's give those thighs a breather and work on your calves.Stand on a fitness block with your heels hanging off.If it's hard to keep balance,hold into something like nearby poll or wall for support.Lift your heels so that all your body weight is put on the balls of your feet,then lower your heels toward the floors as much as you can,So that feels  a good stretch in your calves.Do 3 sets of 12 reps with a 30 seconds break between sets.This exercise will have your calves looks bigger,stronger and more defined.

So this was 5 exercises for strong legs.Hope all can will try this exercises and get good result.

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