5 Best Full Body Workout Without The Gym.


5 Best Full Body Workout Without The Gym.

5.Best Body Workout Without The Gym.

1.Jumping Jacks.

These are a great warm-up and cardio exercise to get your blood pumping before strength training.If you don't feel like going for a run, jumping jacks will do the trick just as well.Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and arms along your side.Now jump up bringing your feet apart and raising your arms to clap your hands overhead.As soon as you touch the floor, jump up again,get back into the starting position.Do this exercise for a minute.

2.Pendulum Lunges. 

This is your basic lunges with a twist.You don't just do them forward or backward,but both ways at once.When you do them like this you engage your hips, thighs and glutes form all sides,makes it all the more effective.Stand straight with your feet together and arms along with your sides.Take a step back with left leg and land on the ball of your foot.Now bend your knees and touch the left one to the floor.While keeping you core and glutes engaged.Don't bend in the waist.It'll create unnecessary strain in your lower back and ruin the Exercise.Now push yourself up and forward, straightening your leftt leg and swinging left one forward in a pendulum motion.Without stopping the standing position,step forward on your whole foot and bend your knees again,this time touching your right knee to the floor.Repeat this move for 30 seconds,then switch your legs and have another 30 seconds go with your left one.

3.Pause Squats.

Your quads, hamstrings and glutes will burn and you'll love it.Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.Lower into a squat, bending your knees and pushing your buttocks out.Keep your back straight and don't lift your heels off the floor.Just imagine there's a chair behind you and sit on it.When you in squat,stay still for 3 seconds.Feel the absence of the chair.Then finally get up into the starting position and do it all over again.

4.Back Extensions.

You don't want to forget about your back.This Exercise looks ridiculous but it's awesome for your lats, which are the  largest back muscles,as well as your abs and even  lower back.Lie on your stomach face down with your legs straight and your arms along with your body.Try not to squash your nose on the mat.Now squeeze your abs and lift your head and shoulders off the floor.Keep this position for couple of seconds and get back down.Repeat this for 30 seconds.

5.Tricep Dips.

Triceps are the last muscle in this full body workout and you can target them easily with dips.All you need is a couch or a chair or any elevated surface for that matter,even steps will do,if they're enough.Sit on the couch and place your hands at your sides grab the edge tightly with your fingers.Slide your butt from the couch and prop yourself on the heel, keeping your legs straight,and the hands still there on the edge.Make sure  your elbows are straight,as well as your entire body from your shoulders down.Now bend your elbows at a right angle and push yourself back up.Now repeat this 20 times.

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