3 Best Home Exercises To Get Perfect Lower Abs.


3 Best Home Exercises To Get Perfect Lower Abs.

3 Best Home Exercises To Get Perfect Lower Abs.

1. Heel Taps.

Doing heel Taps atleast three times a week can tone your abs, glutes and hip flexors.This exercise targets your lower body specifically making it more stable.It's pretty easy to do as well,just lie on your back with your arms by your side and extend your legs straight over your hips,your job is to lower your legs one at a time and touch the floor with your heels.Make sure that your legs are perfectly straight and don't hurry the slower you bring your heels down the better workout your lower abs.

2.Roll Ups.

This is a pretty challenging exercise so it's better to do it gradually,if you're beginner start with 5 to 10 roll-ups.Then you can move on 10 to 15 and a week later you can do 15 or more of them in any case this exercise will work on your abdominal muscles and strengthen your spine.What you have to do is lie on your back with your legs extended with your knees together put your arms straight over your head breath in and lift them up and forward then slowly roll up to the sitting position freeze for a second breath out and return back to the initial position.


This exercise mainly challenges your rectus abdominus but also works out your hip flexors and obliques.Lie on the floor with your legs stretched out and your feet together.Lift yourself with the help of your elbows lift your feet upward as well and make V-Shape with your body.Freeze this position for atleast 5 seconds and slowly lower your legs and let your upper body rest on your elbows.

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