5 Best Exercises To Lose Love Handles Fast.


5 Best Exercises To Lose Love Handles Fast.

5 Best Exercises To Lose Love Handles Fast.

1.Russian Twists.

Sit down on an exercise mate with your legs bent at the knee and feet flat on the floor,your upper body should be leaning back at 45 degrees to the ground, pick up a dumbbell with both hands lift your feet of the floor cross at the ankles and balance on your back side twist your upper body to the right and touch the floor next your side with the dumbbell,now rotate your torso to the left and again touch the dumbbell to the ground.Do this movement 40 times which makes 20 times each side.All the while keep balancing with your upper body and feet raise off the ground. 

2.Bicycle Crunches.

Lie down with your back with your legs bent at the knee your thigh should be perpendicular  and your calves parallel to the floor,put your hands behind your head fingers interlocked,tight your abs and lift your shoulders and upper back off the floor while rotating your torso move your right elbow toward your left knee.They should meet over the middle of your body straighten your right leg but keep it off the floor,now change your position by raising your right leg and lowering the left one this time your left elbow should meet with your right knee,do 30 crunches as quickly as possible try to keep your upper body off the floor throughout the whole exercise.


Lie down on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front you parallel to each other,keep your shoulder-width apart raise your right arm and your left leg off the floor and hold them in the air for a few seconds,then lower them back down to the ground repeat the same movement for your left arm and right leg,do 10 reps on each side.

4.Wood Choppers.

Stand straight with your feet hip width apart with one dumbbell in your hands put your body weight on your right leg,use both of your hands to raise the weight up to your left shoulder then twist your body down in a chopping motion toward your left hip as if you were cutting down a large tree your knees and feet should pivot with the twist lift the weight back upto your left  shoulder,do 20 reps on your left side then repeat the same movement in your right side.

5.Side Squats.

Stand straight with your feet wide apart the toes turn slightly out your arms should be stretched out in front of you at shoulder height,bend your right leg at the knee and push your hips backward lower yourself down over your right leg until your thigh is  parallel to the floor keep your left leg as straight as possible and your heels down on the floor then straight your right leg and return to the starting position bend your left leg at the knee and squat over,this time make sure your right leg is straight,Do 10 reps for each side.Side squats targets mainly your lower body but this exercise also gives your abdominal and oblique muscles a nice Workout,which will melt love handles away.

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